The swimsuit: a garment to not underestimate
When we are at the sea, in the pool or in any place where we love to swim, we are entrusting our image to a garment that, although small, has the indisputable power to enhance or worsen our appearance. Its effect is deeply linked to how much it makes us feel comfortable or not wearing it, regardless of our body (tall / short / thin / fat): as well as for every piece of clothing, a carefully studied fit, good material and quality manufacturing are all fundamental factors that combine to make us feel well represented by what we wear; we know well how our appearance is much more pleasant and we are able to communicate positive feelings towards those around us, when we wear a garment that we feel comfortable and suitable for our body. For this reason, the swimsuit is an item of clothing that should not be underestimated at the time of our choice.
Why choose Hoplites S.r.l. for the production of your swimsuits?
When a Brand relies on capable and expert hands like ours to produce this type of garment, it can be sure of having original swimsuits, in which there is the care of every detail, for example:
What is the importance of fabrics?
-Did you know that the premium component to ensure perfect fit is the elastomer? We use fabrics in which an elastomer is used that resists chlorine, creams and solar oils more than the double than standard elastomers.
-Also, do you know the anti-aesthetic effect of sand grains between fibers? Know that we can also use swimwear fabrics that, thanks to their innovative construction, also resist sand.
And what about Colours?
A quality swimwear must preserve its beauty over time: bright and solid colours are indispensable for the garment in order to not losing its beauty over time, for this reason we use fabrics with a colour recipe studied in such a way as to guarantee the best solidity (that is the duration in time) subjected to light, washing, sea water and pool, in perfect compliance with ISO certification.
A concrete aid for the environment
Let’s talk about environment: did you know that a third of the plastic produced every year in the world (110 million tons), is dispersed in nature, especially at sea? Beyond this, consider that 640 thousand tons of fishing nets are abandoned in the oceans (Sources: FAO; WWF; UNEP). If you have a clothing brand and you would like to insert eco-sustainable swimwear, know that we can also use fabrics made with Econyl® wire, a 100% Nylon wire regenerated by pre and post consumer waste materials, such as fishing nets, the fluff of the carpets (the upper part of the nylon carpets arrived at the end of their life cycle), the rigid tulle, etc.:they are all materials which at this point arrived at the end of their vital cycle, which instead of being disposed in landfill, are recovered and regenerated through a complex process of physical-chemical decomposition.
Do you want to differentiate your brand from the many swimwear brands on the market? Nothing easier: ask us to add custom prints to your swimsuits, or special accessories, such as lace or other applications and inserts that will make your brand recognizable and original.
Structural Quality
Do you know which yarn is used in high quality swimsuits? The postulate according which a yarn is equivalent to another because it is a difference that is not visible, is false. We have no doubts: the difference is evident in the performance, and we care to use constantly a specific high quality yarn in extremely robust elastic polyester, with a degree of stretching by 68%! Of course, Oeko-Tex certified.
How to retain your own customers?
If you have a brand, your main primary goal is to sell and then gain more and more customers, however there is another goal that you don’t have to overlook and is to retain your clientele, consolidating the positions reached over time. You have excellent chances to reach this goal not by providing the lowest price combined with mediocre quality swimwear, but only by providing your customers with high quality of the true made in Italy with all the specifics described above, which Hoplites S.r.l. will be glad to provide you.
as per our client-friendly policy we always provide a free estimate, both for the realization of the samples and for the subsequent serial production; if you provide us also with information about the budget available or the production price in which you want to fall within, I will be glad to give suggestions about the most suitable material to use and the quantities to be produced to meet your market needs.
How to contact Hoplites S.r.l. to ask for a collaboration?
Write us at info@hoplites.it illustrating your serial production or sampling project, and our production manager she will be glad to answer you.
Photos: Collezione Twentythree di Michela Gentile