Technical consultancy and services to fashion stylists to produce high quality made in Italy clothing
We provide technical assistance to young fashion designers : we just need sketches of your styles, along relative technical details and we’ll take care about all the rest (fabric and trims research and purchase here in Italy, patterns and prototypes creation, definitive samples manufacture) until the final delivery.
This means, for young designers, having the same technical support that usually only world market leaders (such as Gucci, Armani, Prada and so on) have the chance to receive. Our experience (over 30 years in this field) and skills enable the customer not only to be more serene, but also to focus his/her attention only on the creation, promotion and marketing of garments.
We also provide valuable tips on materials and techniques to use in order to get to get the best aesthetic and technical result and most competitive sale prices :
concretely means having the opportunity to benefit to optimize the investment of initial capital available.
Consulting for production of clothing garments
Reliability and quality are the major strengths of Hoplites S.r.l., a Apulian company born in 2009 and counting on qualified personnel with over 40 years of experience, gained in the field of high quality clothing and, above all, made in Italy.
In an increasingly dynamic market such as that of clothing, Hoplites S.r.l. represents the ideal solution to deal with the new needs that emerged especially in recent years: customer satisfaction and realization of lasting relationships are just some examples.
Among its main objectives is to provide consulting for the production of clothing, trying to reduce the distance that inevitably exists between the client and the producer.
Being able to have a complete control of the process of making clothing is not a simple operation for the client. This happens, above all, when the products to be made are manifold and different from each other and, therefore, it arises the need to deal with numerous producers, each with its own dynamics and characteristics. Furthermore, it happens more and more often that the client has its own headquarters in a territory very far away from that of realization of the garments, or even resides in a foreign nation: the sending of its technicians in the production laboratories would imply waste of time and money, with limited effectiveness and increase in costs.
Hoplites S.r.l. offers professional support to remedy these problems, we produce reliable and quality clothing.
The assistance offered by Hoplites S.r.l. is aimed at both companies already widely established and emerging and consists in giving support in all phases of production: once the sketches and preferences of its clients received, the company will deal with the search for fabrics and yarns, of the realization of the pattern and, finally, of the manufacture and final delivery. This allows not only to create unique clothes in their kind and of excellent quality but also to have more time to devote to the creation, promotion, and sale of your brand’s clothing.
Hoplites S.r.l. finally, provides excellent suggestions regarding the fabrics and techniques to be adopted to maximize sales with competitive prices. The staff made available, in fact, thanks to the skills and experience gained over the years, can analyze the clothing market, anticipating consumer needs. In this way you have the opportunity to be always updated on the new trends of the moment.